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Friday, March 30, 2007

Nemo's Friends

No one ever wondered what happened to Nemo's dentist friends; floating in those plastic bags out in that great big blue... where are the friends? We found Gill:

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

See the SideBar Fun?

My Blog is officially converted. Yes, my blog is now a 5 point Calvinist (see sidebar)! You can have your blog converted as well! Just copy and paste the following code into your template's sidebar:

<//img src="" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" border="0" />

You will need to delete the two forward slashes before img src="http........

Enjoy! Spread the Conversion!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Pedestal - Revised

The pedestal stands empty!
Bring us the actors, the athletes the artists
Bring us the soldiers, the singers, the studious
Bring us the businessmen, the builders the boats-men
The pedestal stands empty
It needs to be filled.

That pedestal stands empty!
Bring us the heaters, the houses, the homes
Bring us the castle, the kingdom the keep
Bring us the mountains, the moonlight the mist
The pedestal stands empty
It needs to be filled

This pedestal stands empty!
Bring us the adventure, the action, the awesome
Bring us the mystic, the malevolent, the mission
Bring us the secret, the sneaky, the silent
The pedestal stands empty
It needs to be filled.

The pedestal stands empty!
Have you heard what I said?
Niche has told, our old God is dead
The pedestal stands empty
It needs to be filled
It needs something holy
But not the Holy we have killed
The pedestal stands empty!
It needs to be filled.

Scriptural Caveat?

To the best of my recollection, the Biblical commandment, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with your mind and with all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:5, Mark 12:30),” carries no caveat. There is no hidden phrase, “as long as it is safe,” or, “as long as you are healthy.” No, the commandment is to love Him with everything, our all. There seems to be this idea in today’s churches that there is to be a moderation of our zeal for the Lord. People will say things like, “you might get hurt,” “you might be permanently injured,” “you might die.” My question is, could there be any better way to go? Would it not be the best and sweetest way to die knowing that you have spent EVERYTHING you had on the Lord. You had literally run out, dried up and have been spent and all of it went to God’s glory? I would love for that to be my philosophy. Of course, I will say it is, I will ask God to make that my heart’s desire, but how I long for that to truly be how my heart is committed. There can be no better way to leave this earth than to know that you died for the greatest cause of all – serving Christ.

Inspired by "Amazing Grace" the Movie

Why is it so easy to distance ourselves from the problems of others? Even the mere phraseology of that question; the categorizing of all troubles, challenges, deep sorrows and heinous oppressions, as “problems” seems so euphemistic. Today we look at slavery and the slave-trade market as incomprehensible, an evil only ignorant “racists” could embrace – at one time it was commonplace. The abolishment of slavery took the tireless efforts of a few who were willing to give their all for a problem that was distant from them. At that time people were happy to live their ignorant lives and turn a blind eye to the travesties inflicted upon others. Today we call those people ignorant, blind, foolish and racist – but have we actually changed?

Have we changed as a global community of first world citizens when it comes to the plights of others? I find it hard to say that I have learned from history when I am not regularly appalled at and in prayer for the hideous oppression going on the world today. We have no interest in or reason to concern ourselves with the problems that impact others. The most saddening part is, we have the number one weapon to fight these on going oppressions. As Christians in an arguably over-mediated world we can not only see and research the oppressions going on with a few clicks of the mouse, but we can PRAY for those being killed and tortured and extorted and overpowered and oppressed. Just a few of the ongoing oppressions on the top of my head are:

Children used as soldiers in Africa: In 1999 there were over 120,000 children under 18 fighting as soldiers across Africa – The numbers have only gone up. Check out

Abortion: Women even as young as 16 are being mislead and/or deceived about the life they are carrying and are given the option as to whether or not they want to “recognize” their “tissue” as human life or not. Over 3700 babies are aborted every DAY – no ands, buts or ifs, that is MURDER.

Divorce: 1.5 million children will be involved in split homes EVERY YEAR in America alone. An interesting quote from Maggie Gallagher, “Among all possible contributing factors, ‘only divorce rates were consistently associated with suicide and with homicide rates.’”

Child Prostitution: There are over 1.2 million child prostitutes in Asia alone. The market is in the BILLIONS of dollars.

Sudanese Christian Oppression: Over 2.2 million Sudanese Christians have been killed.

These are just a few global issues that come to mind with less than 20 minutes of research. We cannot be so idle as Christians in our ignorance and blindness of the issues going on today. We need to stop distancing ourselves from the problems of others. It would take less than 24 hours to fly to Asia and it would take months for us to be reminded to pray for the oppression happening to others. Let us hold each other accountable to pray for the suffering of others and be open and willing if God is calling us in the direction to be actively involved.