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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Destination: Glory

I was caused these last few weeks to be reflecting on my life currently and all the passions and dreams that drive me. I suppose on a superficial level, every “i” was dotted and every “t” was crossed in regards to my motive, but as every man aught to know, I knew my thoughts more deeply than that.
To my own benefit, this is not always the case, but how tragic it is that the exceptions do occur. I found myself, in eerie coincidence with Pastor Sean’s messages, looking at what my loves are, what path I am on, and it was saddening. I am reminded by the old children’s song, but with my own twist, when I say, “That train, was not bound for glory.”
Truthfully, looking at my own desires and my own plans, they were exactly that, “my own.” I have been busily, not a half-hearted endeavor, but busily been working towards solid education, mastery of my craft and other activities that I knew would so well fill that starch mold of the American dream as to produce the gleaming and glossy life. It is almost humorous, as funny as being guilty of sin can be I suppose, to see how I would even add my Christianity, my “leadership” training to that mold, to try and become that man that “I” wanted to be. I have to say, the deeper and deeper I looked, more and more I realized how vain and temporary-minded I have been.
But hope abounds! How sweet is God’s mercy that he forgives and changes sinful man. In light of this personal study, God has been all the more real and faithful in my life. I have seen more and more His strength and his guidance to turn my natural instincts into passions that I pray are in alignment with His will.
I am making it my prayer to wake up every morning with the ability to say, “this train is bound for Glory.” That is a destination that only God knows the way to and only God can get me there, and that is a train I want to be on. I say these things to you today, in an encouragement to examine your own lives, and see what facades you may be living, or what dream may be stealing your love. Get your boarding pass for Glory, and hope on that train!